Joining hands with experts to enhance the industry exposure and build networks proves beneficial both academically and experience wise. Taking the initial step towards industry relations, the inauguration on the Industrial and External Relations Committee (IERC) was held on 19th August 2022.

The IERC comprises of expert representatives from leading industries in Sri Lanka, collaborating with Curtin Colombo. The IERC is expected to provide feedback on the contents of the curriculum, student training, career development of the students, and recent technological advancements in relation to the degree programs offered by Curtin University. The obtained feedback from the IERC is expected to enhance the effective delivery of the Curtin University degree programs offered in Sri Lanka to match the industry requirements and demands.

The expected mechanisms of engagement with the IERC will be those in relation to feedback in relation to the changing needs of the industry to coincide with program and curriculum modification, improvement of staff and student interaction though site visits, research projects etc., hosting research seminars and talks by external academia and industry experts and many other collaborative projects.

With the initiation of extensive industry partnerships, it bridges the gap between academic and industry, proving to be beneficial to students, academia, and industry alike in the big picture of events.