Curtin University Convocation 2022 for students who had completed their Curtin Engineering and Computing degree programs at SLIIT was held on 5 March 2022 at the SLIIT Auditorium in Malabe. The graduation ceremony was presided over by Professor Seth Kunin, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Global of Curtin University, Australia.

It was a glittering occasion where 66 students specializing in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil & Construction Engineering, and 80 students specializing in Information Technology, Computer Systems & Networking, & Software Engineering graduated. The graduands walked up to the stage to receive their awards from Professor Seth Kunin in the presence of a panel of dignitaries comprising Professor Lakshman Ratnayake, Chancellor; Professor Lalith Gamage, Vice Chancellor; Professor Nimal Rajapakse, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic; Dr. Athula Pitigala Arachchi, Deputy Vice Chancellor International, Deans and Heads of Department of SLIIT.

The graduates who had excelled in each specialization received awards and prizes. Curtin Awards for Excellence in Engineering was awarded to Mr. Nisal Vihan Kalpage (Electrical and Electronic), Ms. Sivaramya Selvanathan (Civil & Construction), and Mr. Praveen Sachintha Weerakkody (Mechanical). Ms. Nikita Fernando, Mr. Dhanushka Kavinda, and Mr. Pulunuwan Yasasiru were the proud recipients of the Curtin Awards for Excellence in Software Engineering, Information Technology, and Computer Systems & Networking, respectively.

Addressing the graduates, Prof. Kunin said “I believe every Curtin graduate has the opportunity to be a transformative individual, here in Sri Lanka and in the world, to make history. I urge you to live a life that is elegant, transformative & humorous, and one that is meaningful.” He commended the students for their hard work during the past few years amidst hardship and congratulated them on becoming the proud graduates they are today.

Mr. Nisal Vihan Kalpage, who graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with First Class Honors, delivered the valedictorian speech on behalf of the class of 2022. He elaborated on the outstanding student experience they enjoyed over the past four years and thanked the academic and administrative staff of SLIIT and Curtin University. He appreciated with gratitude the vital support the students had received from their parents.

Curtin is a world-renowned university ranked among the top 1% of universities worldwide. Curtin -SLIIT partnership, with a history of more than 20 years, is one of the most enduring international collaborations in higher education in Sri Lanka. The partnership has now expanded to offer full Curtin degree programs in Engineering, Computing, and Business through SLIIT INTERNATIONAL, a modern, state-of-the-art campus at Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02. Students have the option of completing their degrees in Sri Lanka, or transferring to Curtin global campuses after a period of study in Colombo.